StoresOnline, Stores Online, Imergent, and Terminal Resource
We received a letter in the mail offering us a free meal and a free MP3 player if we would attend a "Conference" for StoresOnline that seems to be offering a complete package designed to let you sell things on the Internet. The main company behind this seems to be:
Imergent, Inc.
754 E Technology Ave
Orem, UT 84097 US
801-434-8582 Phone
801-226-8848 Fax
Terminal Resource, L.C.
51 West Center, Suite 208
Orem, UT
Fax 801.691.5566
Doing some searches in Google for "stores online scam" and "stores online sucks" will turn up some interesting listings that you may want to check out if you are thinking about attending. But you may save yourself a trip if you just visit their web site first. While the site looks very professional, the thing you will discover there is that they are offering their service for $300 a month. While they may be providing more than simple hosting, they better be providing a hell of a lot more, since that is pretty outrageous for any startup ecommerce hosting account that provides little in return that guarantees you will be making anything from your investment. Oh I forgot to mention that you have to commit to 1 YEAR of hosting with them, or $3,600. If you know little to nothing about web hosting, designing, marketing, and promotion I doubt VERY much that you will make your money back. Think about it. If you could really make a lot of money with little effort, wouldn't you just do that for your self to start with? Why would you sell a great money making system to others?
Your first clue is the fact that while they are offering something that you should be excited about and they have to give you a free meal AND a free MP3 player, just to make sure they get you in the door...!
So my advice is to check it out if you are interested. Get the free meal and free MP3 player. But make darned sure you know what you are investing in before you give them any money! If you have any doubts what I suggest is you look around and find an Internet or ecommerce consultant and pay them to help you get started. You will pay a LOT less money and have a MUCH better chance of starting a real business that may do well. And expect to pay a monthly hosting fee that will be between $15-$50 a month, NOT $300 a month!
P.S. I just found a site called Stores Online Sucks and I will list the link below. For me, this confirms EXACTLY what I had been thinking about this company. They are taking advantage of people that have some money but are generally clueless about the web.
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